
  • This statistical data is as of February 2021.
  • More detailed information is downloadable below.
No. of teachers
No. of teachers table
Professor Assistant Total
37 8 45
No. of employee
No. of employee table
General staff Total
Over Grade 9 Researcher Management and Operation Experts in career service Electoral terms
48 1 - 3 2 54
No. of student
No. of student table
Undergraduate Graduate Total
560 220 780
Facility table
Land Building
225,478㎡ 70,566.39㎡
Budget table
Government subsidy Revenue amount Total
Revenue Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue Expenditure
0 34,050,000won 3,548,731 won 3,548,731 won 3,548,731 won 37,598,731 won